Research oriented Training:

Training in and through research is one of the laboratory’s main missions. It is particularly active in this area through doctoral training. On average, around thirty PHD theses are defended each year.

In agreement with the University Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier and the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, LAPLACE is a host laboratory for four doctoral schools in particular:

– GEET (“Génie électrique, électronique et télécommunication”): which is specialised in micro and nanosystems, electromagnetism and high-frequency systems, photonics and optoelectronic systems, energy management components and systems, electrical engineering, plasma engineering, radiophysics and medical imaging,

– EDSYS (“Systèmes”): which is specialised in Automation, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Robotics and Embedded Systems,

– MEGEP (“Mécanique, Energétique, Génie civil et Procédés”): which is specialised in fluid dynamic, Energetics and transfer, Process and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics of Materials,

– AA Aéronautique Astronautique : transverse doctoral school in Aeronautics & Astronautics

With the exception of PHD students registered at a foreign university (possibility of joint supervision), LAPLACE PHD students are registered at the UT3 or the Toulouse INP, the majority (80%) at the GEET Doctoral School.

Training by teaching:

LAPLACE staff are deeply involved in teaching courses (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Engineer degrees). They are responsible for the administration of many courses with many Parcours and Option levels. In addition, several of them serve (or have served) as Heads of Department, members of Teaching Department or Pedagogical Councils, etc.

At Toulouse 3 Paul-Sabatier University: the Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation (EEA) master’s degree and its Embedded Systems Electronics and Telecommunications (ESET) specialisms, the Plasma Science and Technology master’s degree, the Engineering of Matter Master: Modelling Physical Processes (IM2P2) master’s degree, the Engineering Master’s Degree (CMI) and the Robotic and Interactive Systems (SRI) and Telecommunications and Computer Networks (TRI) specialities at UPSSITECH.

At ENSEEIHT: training for engineers in Electronics-Electrical Engineering within the EEA programme, the MOST EES (Electrical Engineering Systems) and the specialised Masters in New Energy Technologies.

Links towards masters and doctoral schools

Doctoral studies are organised by the ‘’COMUE Université Fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées’, via the ‘Ecole des Docteurs’’, whose mission is to support doctoral students’ career plans through a range of measures to promote the career development of doctoral students.

Universities and Engineering Schools:
Doctoral studies:
Training:  in progress