Four – the number of start-ups that have emerged from Laplace’s research over the last five years.

Deeper Pulse

The latest start-up to emerge from LAPLACE (December 2020), deeper pulse aims to assist in the design and optimisation of electromechanical converter devices through the analysis and innovative design of magnetic configurations. Its specific focus is on topological optimisation methods.

Interview F. Messine, deeper pulse, LAPLACE :

Deeper Pulse

The latest LAPLACE start-up (December 2020), deeper pulse aims to support the design and optimisation of electromechanical converter devices through the analysis and innovative design of magnetic configurations. Its specific focus is on topological optimisation methods.

Interview F. Messine, deeper pulse, LAPLACE :

Created in 2019, the young H2Pulse is an extension of the Toulouse hydrogen platform, launched in 2010 by Laplace, with the aim of carrying out research into the conversion (fuel cells) and production (electrolysis) of hydrogen and supporting industrial companies in this field. Hydrogen energy will play a role in the future energy mix decarbonisation, both in stationary grids (electricity, gas) and in the vehicles of the future. This is a key area of research which is in full expansion or the Laplace with the creation of a technological test and innovation centre of over 10,000 m2 on the Toulouse-Francazal site by 2024.

Créée en 2019, la jeune pousse H2Pulse est une prolongation de la plateforme hydrogène de Toulouse, lancée en 2010 par le Laplace avec pour vocation de réaliser des travaux de recherche sur les utilisations (pile à combustible) et la production (électrolyse) de l’hydrogène et d’accompagner les industriels dans ce domaine. L’hydrogène énergie à la participe décarbonation du futur mix énergétique, tant dans les réseaux stationnaires (électricité, gaz) que sur les véhicules du futur. Ce thème constitue un sujet clef au laboratoire, en plein essor avec la création à l’horizon 2024 d’un centre d’essai et d’innovation technologique de plus de 10 000 m2 sur le site de Toulouse-Francazal.

H2Pulse prolonge les recherches du laboratoire en réponses aux nombreuses sollicitations industrielles dans l’ingénierie des systèmes à hydrogène énergie.

Méso star

At |Méso|Star>  we develop statistical methods for Monte Carlo based scientific calculations for the analysis and sizing of energy systems in all their complexities, whether geometric, time, space or phenomenological. This activity is mainly focused on two themes: radiative transfer and coupled heat transfer.

This start-up mainly develops the POWERFORGE  tool for modelling power electronics circuits and systems with the aim of their design and optimisation. Following its acquisition by the American company Gamma Technologies, this tool became GT-Powerforge and is now integrated into a software suite covering the various fields required for the design of hybrid or electric vehicles.

Cette start up développe principalement l’outil POWERFORGE qui vise la modélisation de circuits et de systèmes d’électronique de puissance en vue de leur conception et leur optimisation.